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If you have been struggling with maintaining a healthy smile, or find yourself flossing once a week–or less–it’s important to remember that oral health is a marathon, not a sprint. Patients that have the best oral health take small but powerful steps every day to achieve a healthy smile.

Most dental health problems are easily preventable, and with just a little bit of effort every day, you can have a smile that is in great shape. We see many patients that struggle with the same issues. We’re going to teach you what these are and the steps that you can take to prevent them.

1. Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is caused by a bacterial infection that causes your gums to get swollen. The same type of plaque that can build up on your teeth can also accumulate beneath your gum line. After a while, this plaque can harden into calculus.

Depending on the condition of your gums, you may experience:

How Do I Prevent Periodontal Disease?

When you eat, bacteria break down your food, creating a sticky substance known as plaque. Plaque gets stuck to your teeth and begins eating away at enamel and gum tissue. This process occurs every day, so it’s vital to brush and floss your teeth. It sounds so simple, but daily brushing and flossing remove plaque secretions around your teeth.

Oftentimes, patients that visit us brush daily, but forget to floss their teeth. The bristles of your toothbrush remove plaque on the surface of your teeth, but can’t reach areas around your gum line or in between the cracks of your teeth. Flossing gets rid of cavity-causing agents that can spread beneath your gum line.

You can also limit how much sugar you eat. Sugary foods cause more plaque to grow and make it harder for your gums to stay plaque-free. If you eat a lot of sugar it’s even more important that you have an oral health regimen that you strictly follow.

1. Tooth Decay

Similar to periodontal disease, tooth decay occurs as a result of inadequate oral hygiene. If you go to bed at night and don’t brush or floss your teeth, plaque will start to build up and coat your teeth. Untreated plaque gradually begins to wear away at your tooth enamel, creating a cavity. When this happens the cavity typically needs to be cleaned and we’ll have to place a filling.

How Do I Prevent Tooth Decay?

Brushing and flossing are like hitting the refresh button on your computer. Every time that you brush or floss your teeth get to restart with a cleaner and healthier slate. If you are in the habit of not brushing or flossing, you might wonder if simple steps like these will even make a difference, but they do.

Start building healthy habits today. Use fluoride after you are done flossing. You should also visit us twice a year to make sure that you have a good handle on your oral health. We will work together to develop a treatment plan if the problem has gotten out of hand.

3. Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD for short) is a condition in the joint of the jaw. It can involve arthritis, dislocation, or just overuse. TMD can be painful, causing:

TMD is caused by several factors:

How Can I Avoid TMD?

Attend regular dental appointments. During these exams, your dentist will be able to evaluate whether you have any of the above conditions and whether they are causing your temporomandibular joint added stress. If that is the case, they can provide treatment.

Don’t Stay in the Dark About Your Oral Health–Visit Us Twice a Year!

Always stay vigilant about your oral health. It’s much better to catch a problem before it becomes a real issue than to wait and hope it will fix itself.

We use x-rays and other professional tools to help diagnose oral problems before they can evolve into something worse. Our role as dentists is to keep you on the right track and help you prevent oral health problems or solve them when they occur.

Every mouth is different and everyone has a unique patient health history:

All of these factors are things that can potentially contribute to problems with your oral health.

Through Small and Simple Things Are Great Things Brought To Pass

All of these top oral health problems are preventable. As long as you do your due diligence, brush and floss daily, and visit us twice a year, most of these problems can be eliminated.

Never underestimate the power of small and simple actions. These are powerful steps that grow into a lifetime of good habits. These guidelines will make a huge difference in your oral health!